Our Questions for San Diego Elected officials?

As of Sunday, September 29th, 2024, we, the voters of San Diego County, have serious concerns about the integrity of our voter records based on alarming discrepancies revealed in our recent article, Election Integrity at Stake: San Diego Voter Records Reveal Alarming Data Discrepancies. These issues go to the heart of our democratic process, and with mail-in voting starting soon, we believe it is critical to address them now—before any votes are cast.

Elections are a cornerstone of our democracy, and any uncertainty about the accuracy or integrity of voter records undermines public confidence in the outcome. Transparency, accountability, and swift action from our elected officials are essential to ensuring that every vote counts and that San Diegans can cast their ballots with confidence.

We, the voters, deserve clear answers to the following questions before mail-in ballots are distributed:

Voter Registration Fraud:

    • Were any individuals registered to vote using false information or under multiple identities in violation of California Elections Code Sections 18100-18109?
    • Did any individuals vote more than once in the same election, thereby committing voter fraud?

    Failure to Maintain Accurate Voter Rolls:

      • Did election officials fail to remove ineligible voters, such as deceased individuals or those who have moved, from the voter rolls as required by California Elections Code Sections 2190-2194?
      • Was there noncompliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) in maintaining accurate and up-to-date voter rolls in California?

      Identity Theft:

        • Were false identities used to register or vote, potentially violating California Penal Code Section 530.5 regarding identity theft?

        Election Fraud:

          • Did anyone tamper with or interfere with the voting process, including falsifying voter records, in violation of California Elections Code Sections 18500-18578?
          • Was there any act of bribery or coercion involved in influencing voting behavior, thereby violating California election laws?

          Data Privacy Violations:

            • Was there any unauthorized access to or mishandling of voter data, potentially violating California’s data privacy laws, including the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)?

            Misuse of Public Resources:

              • Were public resources improperly used to facilitate or conceal discrepancies in voter records, violating California Government Code Section 8314 regarding the misuse of public funds?

              Voter Intimidation:

                • Were any voters discouraged, coerced, or intimidated into not participating in the election as a result of the discrepancies, violating California Elections Code Section 18540?


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