Unite for Democracy: Demand Fair, Free, and Transparent Elections in 2024 with Weekly Candidate Debates

Our democracy stands at a critical juncture. As voters, we hold the power to shape a future marked by fairness, freedom, transparency, and accountability. The sanctity of our elections depends on us.

The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump on July 13th, 2024, at the fairgrounds in Butler, Pennsylvania, is a stark reminder of the urgent need to unequivocally denounce political violence. While many politicians, leaders and organizations have spoken out against this heinous act, our collective demand for action remains unmet. We have heard “thoughts and prayers” too often; it is time for decisive steps to safeguard our democracy.

Imagine a political landscape where candidates from all affiliations—Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, and others—engage in vigorous, civil debates on the issues that matter most to us: the soaring cost of living, public safety, the economy, education, and the environment. Picture candidates shaking hands before and after these debates, symbolizing a commitment to unity and a rejection of divisiveness. This vision is within our reach, but it requires our active participation and insistence on meaningful dialogue.

We must demand that all candidates, whether local, county, state, or federal, commit to weekly in-person public debates with their political challengers on the ballot. In states like California, where the Democratic Party holds a supermajority, it is imperative for Democratic candidates to lead by example. Similarly, in states where Republicans are the majority, such as Texas and Florida, Republican candidates must embrace this call for unity.

As voters, we hold the key to this transformation. Let us pledge to support and vote for only those candidates who are willing to participate in these public candidate debates and demonstrate their dedication to our nation’s principles. By doing so, we send a powerful message: political violence has no place in our democracy.

A candidate, especially an incumbent, Republican and Democratic alike, unwilling to attend a weekly candidate meeting debate, and shake hands with their political challenger on the ballot in public is unworthy of our vote.

It’s time for San Diego mayoral candidates Mayor Todd Gloria (D) and policeman Larry Turner (I), 51st Congressional District Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D) and Mayor Bill Wells (R), 2026 gubernatorial candidates Leo Zacky (R) and Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis (D), and other candidates to lead the way and hold public debates on the cost of living, economy, public safety, education, and environment as soon as possible to prove they are genuinely against political violence and not silent supporters of it.

Inaction is a choice by candidates to not participate and shake hands with their political challengers is a danger we voters cannot or should not allow. Action to participate in weekly public debates with their political challengers and to shake hands is what is needed now more than ever in America!

Join us in reaffirming our commitment to a fair, free, transparent, and accountable election in 2024. Let us demand action, not just words, from our candidates. Together, we can foster a political environment grounded in respect, dialogue, and genuine patriotism.

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